Who is 'My Mirinae' ?

Welcome to My Mirinae, where the beauty of the cosmos and the art of coffee converge in a celestial symphony. Founded by an international couple from the US and South Korea, our journey began with a shared fascination for the awe-inspiring expanse of space, the divine marvel of the universe and our love for coffee.

The word 'Mirinae,' an old Korean word meaning 'Milky Way' or 'Galaxy', serves as the heart and soul of our brand. It encapsulates the very essence of our mission – to bridge cultures, unite individuals, and honor the tapestry of creation through the simple pleasures of life. Inspired by Psalms 8:3-4 "When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, What is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them?" we often find ourselves humbled by the same question. This sentiment echoes throughout our brand as we aim to infuse each cup of coffee and every product with the wonderment that space evokes.

Our name 'My Mirinae' also serves as a term of endearment, meaning "My World" or "My Universe".

Our Mission

At My Mirinae, we curate a stellar selection of coffee beans sourced from the corners of the globe, capturing the unique flavors and stories of distant lands. Our dedication to quality extends beyond the beans to the craftsmanship of space-themed accessories that enrich your coffee ritual with cosmic charm.

As kindred spirits of the universe's grandeur, we invite you to embark on a journey with us. Whether you're a seasoned coffee enthusiast, a stargazing dreamer, or simply seeking to add a touch of the cosmos to your day, My Mirinae is here to connect you with the marvels of space, the warmth of coffee, and the harmonious blend of cultures that define our story.

Join us in celebrating the profound beauty of God's creation through the lens of coffee and the stars. As we share in the magic of the universe, we hope to leave you inspired, refreshed, and connected to the extraordinary in the ordinary moments of life.

We truly hope you feel like you are entering a new galaxy, when you taste our coffee;

Not just any galaxy but, 'Our Mirinae'